3 Things You Should Know About Getting a Cash Advance

Getting a payday loan is a great option for many people. If you are in a time of financial need, you might wonder if getting a payday loan is the right thing for your situation. There are some instances where a payday loan would be great, and other situations where you should perhaps wait and try something else. Here are some things you need to know. 1. A Payday Loan Is Ideal Used as an Advance on a Check That Is Certainly Coming [Read More]

No ATM At Your Location? 4 Reasons Why You Need To Install One

If you own a small mom-and-pop store, and you don't have an on-site ATM machine, you may be selling yourself short. Having an on-site ATM in your store provides benefits for you and your customers. If you're still considering the installation, here are just four of the reasons why you should have one installed. Provide Customer Security ATMs can be dangerous places for customers, especially if they're out in the open. [Read More]

4 Things Your Online Dealership Website Needs For Optimal Success

Selling vehicles online is an awesome way to reach local consumers as well as potential customers living around the country who don't mind buying their next vehicle from a long-distance dealer. But with the rising popularity of online car buying comes plenty of virtual dealerships to contend with. You can set yourself apart from the competition and increase your success rates with the help of these tips and tricks: Credit Investigation [Read More]

7 Common Accounting Mistakes That Hurt Small Businesses

Accounting can make or break a business. If you have a small business, accounting errors can completely ruin it. There are many common mistakes that small business owners make while doing their accounting. Make sure you know what they are so you don't make them yourself. 1. Not saving all receipts Business owners can write off every purchase that they make pertaining to their business on their taxes. The problem is that many business owners won't save small receipts because they seem meaningless as a tax write off. [Read More]